Tired of getting Netflix recommendations based on that one show you stopped watching after two episodes and need to delete your Netflix history? Good news: you can remove a title from your viewing history to make that stop!
Maybe you don’t want to be reminded of that time you caved in and finally decided to watch “Tiger King” months after the rest of the world, because, you know, “Bridgerton” is much better suited for your refined taste, anyway. Or maybe you decided to marathon every episode of “Laguna Beach,” but you don’t want any more reality TV recommendations. Instead of having a bunch of Netflix shows you haven’t watched in ages clogging up your “continue watching” feed — and skewing your recommendations — there’s a handy feature that lets you remove the stuff you don’t want in your watch history anymore. It’s one of many Netflix hacks that lets you remove individual episodes, movies, or entire shows from your history, so you’ve only got the stuff you actually want in the algorithm.
How to Delete Netflix History
Turns out, clearing out your Netflix history is way easier than you think! It mostly involves you toggling around your Profile page, where you’ll eventually be presented with a list of every single title you’ve ever watched before deciding which ones stay and which ones get the boot. Once you do this, Netflix’s algorithm resets so you’ll no longer see recommendations for shows and movies that feel irrelevant to your current interests.
Follow these easy steps ahead to clear your Netflix history now!